About us

The idea of Share The Olive was born of the desire to celebrate the simple things in life that are shared and enjoyed between our friends and family that foster connections. And what better way to facilitate those connections than gathering for a meal, and sharing the simple goodness of olive oil. 

Share The Olive was also inspired by the desire to help people. After succumbing to their addictions to alcohol and hitting rock bottom, both Paul Ricard and Alex Farre rallied back with substantial help from family, friends and rehabilitation programs. These people shared their time, love, and kindness with us. We noticed this, and the idea of sharing became a theme for us.

Fueled by the gratitude that we have to be given another shot at life, we feel compelled to build a brand that advocates to the dangers of addiction, while at the same time, a brand that shares the awareness to the health benefits that a quality olive oil can give. A win-win as far as we're concerned.

We have also made it our mission to help our fellow friends who suffer from substance abuse disorder and the shame that can come with that. We are proud to be able to share a portion of our net proceeds to do just that. 


We want our premium extra virgin olive oil to be a tasty reminder to always keep the sharing spirit alive.



Paul Ricard & Alex Farre