About Our Oil

We are extremely proud to use product that was harvested in the beautiful state of California. California olive oil has distinguished itself as an authentic, premium-quality, extra virgin olive oil producer.

Over the years, Share The Olive has formed relationships with suppliers who have formed personal relationships with farmers who ensure stewardship of their fields. Early on, the fields focused on were located in the renown Capay Valley agricultural area located in Yolo County east of Calistoga and north of Davis. It is home to the beautiful Cache Creek which carries pure water flowing from the mountains at the north end of thevalley. It contains many multi-generational farming families dedicated to sustainable practices in order to preserve and protect their most valuable resource, the land. Since then, our oil was also sourced from farmers in Woodland, Central Coast, Lodi/Stockton, and Live Oak.

We are also proud to use suppliers who work with millers that maintain the highest level of technology and methodology for processing olives. The age-old term of "pressing" olives comes from ancient traditions of using stone presses rotated by dray animals. These ancient processes are still ocurring on small fields in old-time villages. But they do not always produce the most pure and highest quality oil. The most advanced methods applied in mills today use machinery that minimizes olive damage, eliminates heat, and pulls the purest oil from the first press.

We work with suppliers who are careful to ensure purity and integrity of any oil they aquire for the entire supply chain. They are careful to get to know farmers and field managers so they can be confident that they cherish and care for their land and trees. They work with millers to be sure that the olives are processed within hours of picking and the resulting oil is optimally stored to ensure longevity. On arrival to their facility, our olive oil is kept in a temperature controlled food safe storage area in containers without oxygen interaction to maximize its pure and youthful flavor.

In summary, by sticking to olive oil made from the highest quality olives, working with farmers to source olives from the best fields, using milling processes that ensure the best results, and managing the supply chains from the trees in the field, to the millers warehouse, we want you to feel confident in the purity and health benefits of the olive oil you purchase from Share The Olive.